day off, walked around for hours with jake:
unimpressed and ready to go
roads not only made of dirt, but also the backbones of animals
Right now I am at Sunset campground, and this is Jake's adventures by the ocean:
This morning we went hiking to find the day roosts of bats, just the two of us, and it was wonderful. Updates:
Current project:
Not finding any little brown bats, mostly doing northern long ears which are harder to track, move further during the night and roost in trees instead of houses - which means more work because we have to characterize all the trees in an 18m radius.
We have started different tracking shifts - the early shift 9pm-1am, and then the late shift 1am-6am. With the early shift you are able to watch the sunset and with the late shift you see the sunrise, it's something to see.
sunrise over earltown lake
These shifts sometimes involve catching bats, but mostly it's just tracking ones we've already put radiotransmitters on. Then during the day we hike to find the day roosts. Recently we placed radiotransmitters on 4 bats - one little brown: georgia, and 3 long-earred: hermini, izzy and joke. Georgia seems to have groomed off her transmitter or else she hasn't left the house in days (and nights). The other three were found in the same roost yesterday, but today Hermini and Joke were together but Izzy was on her own.My project:
My prof was able to get the funding for 9 more PIT recorders which is amazing, especially since we only had 8 to begin with. This means that the disaster when we first went to NFLD - finding that there were double the amount of bat boxes then we had expected - is no longer an issue because we now have enough recorders to cover all the bat boxes. We also were able to pick up 330 more PIT tags (microchips basically), so we can monitor even more bats! My prof just booked my flight, I'll be gone august 4th - 14th. It sucks that I'm flying since I hate flying, its bad for the environment and so on, and I can't bring jake, but I didn't have a choice in the matter. It looks like my new roommate may watch him, so that'll work out.
While in NFLD, we are probably only doing up to 4 nights of catching at just one site, and apparently I have the other 6 days to just hangout at the nature park, get to know the people that work there and read/write.
reading pedagogy of the oppressed still, need to finish it soon,
that's all for now, time to go enjoy more sunshine and start a campfire soon,